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These results are published in Atomic
Data Nuclear
Data Tables 79 (2001) 47.
Fits to the reaction rates and additional information can be found in
Atomic Data Nuclear Data Tables 75
(2000) 1.
Please cite the above references and the URL of this web page
you make use of these results. Thank you!
If you need the cross sections or rates at different energies or temperatures than provided here, feel free to use my interpolation program.
Note: For (n,γ) reactions, the cross sections and reaction rates (with FRDM input) should be renormalized to the recommended theoretical and experimental values given in Atomic Data Nuclear Data Tables 76 (2000) 70! That paper gives a theoretical correction of the rates correlated with the neutron number which can also be applied to nuclei further off stability.
Please note: These are only theoretical values, not
values, which also include experimental rates! If there are
experimental values available, we recommend to use those instead of the
theoretical ones.