#input file for NON-SMOKER (web) #this is just an example to show the structure; the values are nonsense! #Comment lines start with # #Labels start with #* #Only lines between BEGIN_INPUT and END_INPUT are scanned #Each section ends with #*END #Order of sections is not important #Blank lines are ignored #The input in this file is used only according to the option settings # chosen on the web page! #*INPUT_START #*EXCITED_STATES # at most 20 states can be specified! 30 82 #Z A 0.000 0 #excitation energy (MeV), spin, parity (+/-1) #*NUCEND # next nucleus 30 83 0.000 -1 #this means the g.s. has 1/2- 0.050 3 #this is a 3/2+ state 0.104 +3 #this is also a 3/2+ state # and so on... #*END #*MASSES # to change a separation energy, two masses have to be specified! # beware: these are treated as experimental masses; if there aren't # experimental values for all nuclei in all channels, theoretical # values are used and the values specified here may be neglected # after all. 30 73 -2.5067 #Z A Mass Excess (MeV) 22 40 12.03 #*END # Real and imaginary parts of optical potentials can be specified either # by giving an algebraic expression (see the online help for details) # or by explicitly specifying values at each radius (maximum 800 points) #*CUSTOM_ALPHA #*RCOUL 1.2 #*EXPRESSION mypot=-148 /(1+exp((r-1.24*f)/0.52)) #*REALEND #*EXPRESSION mypot=-24/(1.+exp((r-1.24*f)/0.52)) #*END #*CUSTOM_PROTON #*RCOUL 1.21 #*DATA 0.1 -150.5 #r V 0.2 -140.5 #r V #*REALEND #*DATA 0.1 -20. #r W 0.15 -12. #r W 0.6 -3.499 #r W #*END #*CUSTOM_NEUTRON #*EXPRESSION -44/(1.+exp((r-1.24*f)/0.52)) #*REALEND #*DATA 0.1 -20. #r W # comments can also be in between data points 0.15 -12. #r W # points don't have to be spaced equidistantly (but it is recommended) 0.6 -3.499 #r W #*END #*CUSTOM_LEVEL_DENSITY 30 62 1.02 -12.05 #Z A a delta 30 63 1.23 1.4 #*END #*TARGET_RANGE # only if you are authorized to do that # don't use it extensively because it puts quite a load on our machine!! #*EXPLICIT 48 106 30 62 30 65 # a Z A, list of nuclei ##*GRID #30 32 32 34 # OR b Z_start N_start Z_end N_end, range of targets # options explicit and grid cannot be combined! # there can only be one line when option grid is used #*END #*INPUT_END (c) T. Rauscher, Sep 2004 (modified Mar 2005)